Latest questions

Q: Is there a requirement of “immigration prison”?
A: No requirement, the applicants only need to live seven days for one year and a total 14 days every two years after his or her first visit of Portugal.

Q: Do I need to renew my residence permit twice every five years?
A: Apply to either one of the following requirement:
-An investment of at least EUR1 million;
-At least 30 jobs are created.
-To purchase a property with at least EUR500,000       

And the following requirements:
-With the residence permit for at least five years;
-Able to speak basic Portuguese
-Less than one year’s sentence on the criminal record
-Meet the requirement of minimum investment

Q: What are the differences between a nationality and a permanent permit?
A: Portuguese nationality and residence permit of Latin America are differing in the voting right. Apart from that, both of them are enjoying same rights. If you don’t want to give up your Chinese nationality, you can just apply for a residence permit instead of the citizenship of Latin America, at the time when you think it is necessary, you can apply for that.
Q: Living standard of Portugal
A: The living standard of Portugal is the lowest among all European schengen countries, it takes around EUR1200 a year to cover the board and food of a student, it will be less than that if several students to split the bill. The transportation is cheap, a metro pass is cost EUR12 per month and students enjoy discount; If the student wants to use internet in the dormitory, EUR35 per month is paid for ADSL 750kb/s, if we have several students to split the bill, it will be much cheaper than that.
Cost for some of the food:
Rice EUR0.50-0.85/ kg;
Fresh milk EUR0.60-0.75/litre;
Potato EUR0.15-0.50/kg;
Chicken EUR1.5-2.5/kg;
Fresh orange EUR0.45-0.75/kg;
Watermelon EUR0.15-0.45/kg;
One bottle of 33cl beer EUR0.45
One set big mac is sold EUR6.5 in the Macdonald of Holland, Germany or France while in Portugal it costs only EUR5.5;
International phone card is sold EUR10 with 320 minutes of Chinese phone call and 500 minutes of European phone call.

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